Exterminators Now Lists Things Exterminators Need You To Know
“Exterminator” isn’t the most glamorous profession, but, on the flip side, there’s always a demand; there’s always clients.
While professionals like us here at Exterminators Now enjoy helping people out with their bug problems, we would really, really like it if people were a bit more informed about us, and the things we deal with. It’ll make everything easier and more effective for everyone involved.
So, to help you guys out, and spare us all a few unnecessary headaches, here’s a few things that you really should know.
Not all bugs are harmful
Yes, people like us here at Exterminators Now deal with bug infestations. The key word, however, is infestation, IE, unneeded, unwanted, or outright harmful. Bugs get a lot of bad rep, but not all of them deserve it. Beetles and ladybugs, for example, don’t go for the flora in your garden or your yard, they go after the smaller insects that do. So, if you see any bugs like that, just leave them alone. It’ll be better for you.
Inform your neighbors
If you live in an apartment, or have someone sharing a wall, or a yard with you, you need to inform neighbors about any bug problems you might be experiencing. It’ll help them prepare, let exterminators know how bad the situation is and how to deal with it, and, sometimes, will inform you of the starting point. This is especially important if your kids or pets interact a lot, as they tend to have a habit of passing these along.
Dampness is a no-no
Most people don’t like roaches. So most people would probably like to know that roaches love water. That means you need to dry out sinks, tubs, and even plates, water dishes used by your pets. If a spot is dark, and moist, it’ll probably have roaches in it, if it doesn’t have already.
Don’t be afraid to ask. Seriously, ask.
Exterminators are hard-working, honest folk, like you. We here at Exterminators Now like it when people ask questions, as it gives us an opportunity to help people become more well-informed, and, in turn, better protected. Seriously, if you have questions about your bugs, or your exterminator, don’t hold back, and inquire about them. It’ll be better for everyone.